Trade Exam Study Plan

Reward and Cost

Trade certification is a rewarding step for the skilled trades. It brings increased job security, wages and new job opportunities. The exam and preparation process can be costly. Exam fees, missed work time and exam preparation costs add up.
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Minimize Your Costs to Maximize the Return

To minimize your cost, you must carefully choose your study plan. Then commit
yourself to enough time to reduce your chances of a rewrite.

Making an Exam Study Plan

Step One

Set a Study Schedule and commit to it.

Step Two

Familiarize yourself with the regulated trade curriculum. The exam is based directly on this.

Step Three

Determine the exam weight of each curriculum topic. The exam will contain a specific number of questions for each topic. Plan your study time with this in mind.

Step Four

Attempting questions for each topic to determine your areas of strength and weakness is key. This allows for study focus on areas of need.

Step Five

Review learning materials on topics that require your attention.

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