Red Seal Millwright Exam Study Plan

Reward and Cost

Trade certification is a rewarding step for the skilled trades. It brings increased job security, wages and new job opportunities. The exam and preparation process can be costly. Exam fees, missed work time and exam preparation costs add up.
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Minimize Your Costs to Maximize the Return

To minimize your cost, you must carefully choose your study plan. Then commit
yourself to enough time to reduce your chances of a rewrite.

First Attempt Study Plan

Intended for those who have not written the exam before. Or, for those who have not written the exam in the past 3 months.

Recent Rewrite Study Plan

Intended for those who have written the exam in the past 3 months. This plan is based on the number of exam questions for each topic and your exam report. Use our Exam Report Analysis Tool to create your custom Study Plan.

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